New Short Film ‘Nellie’s Voices’ Released on Vimeo and Station 6

Nellie’s Voices is the new short film by Twin Paws Productions, released this month on Vimeo.

Filmed on location in Houston, Texas, Nellie’s Voices is the second collaboration between Twin Paws Productions and artist Annie Harmon, who previously produced and directed Stinger Scott (2020). The movie presents a grieving mother who is on the brink of ending her life because of the haunting voices in her head but one voice always defeats the others.

Ruth Frank plays the lead role of Nellie in this psychological drama/horror short with Soren Frank in a supporting role and talented couple Phil Hersh and Libby Brien as voice actors. The movie was edited by British film editor Charlie Pennell.

Station 6 on Roku Channel has added Nellie’s Voices to its showcase of independent short films. The movie has been entered into a few film festivals as well.

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